About Me

Web developer by day, video game streamer by night. Armed with a SNES controller in one hand and a keyboard in the other, I spend most of my days thinking about how to make web applications and games more fun and interactive.

Programming Languages: JavaScript, Python, C#
Technical Skills: React, Node, Redux, Express, AWS, PostgreSQL, Git, SQL, HTML, CSS, Unity, Cypress, Chakra UI, NPM, Context, Recoil, Tailwind CSS
Methodologies: Scrum, Agile, Waterfall


Music Chunks

A React web application for music students to easily practice from home and for sheet music publishers to host their content and easily charge for it.

• Designed and built a web API using Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL and Knex
• Integrated frontend of the application and admin dashboard w/ the new backend. Frontend is written in React.js and styled with Tailwind CSS
• Migrated entire frontend from Netlify to Amazon Web Services. Created the onboarding experience from scratch using Amazon Cognito and custom forms

Super Sidequest

A React web application that lets players create and share video game challenges for their friends and communities.

• Built using React, Node, Express, Redux Toolkit, and PostgreSQL, allowing users to register, login, and perform various CRUD operations - such as viewing, adding, and deleting challenges / quests
• Utilizes JSON Web Token authentication for security and added restricted middleware to prevent access to unauthorized endpoints
• Fully responsive for both web and mobile using Tailwind CSS

Doggo Walko

An endless runner video game about taking a dog on a walk while avoiding obstacles and collecting power-ups.

• Built and designed entirely by myself in Unity using C#
• Created all characters and game assets using the Unity plugin Doodle Studio 9
• Created algorithms for procedural level generation


A React web application that lets Lambda students and alumni network by sharing their interview and job experiences..

• Built using React, Node, Express, and PostgreSQL
• Engineered the entire back-end for the application, from designing CRUD operations and building database tables to implementing JSON Web Token authentication and restriction middleware
• Built the core front-end functionality for searching, viewing, editing, and deleting reviews

Tater & Tots Stalk Market

A React web application that lets Animal Crossing: New Horizons players share their daily turnip prices with each other to facilitate smoother trading.

• Built using React, Node, Express, and PostgreSQL, allowing users to register, login, and perform various CRUD operations - such as viewing, adding, and deleting turnip prices
• Utilized JSON Web Token authentication for security and added restricted middleware to prevent access to unauthorized endpoints
• Fully responsive for both web and mobile, with Chakra implementation for styling